City Pioneers wanted!
Architecture / TheoryBinckcafé#4:
City Pioneers wanted! Living on a business park
June 15, 2011
About the future of the Binckhorst
As far as the municipality of The Hague is concerned, district Binckhorst will be transformed into a place to live, work and recreate through organic urban development.
In this fourth edition of the Binck Cafe by Stroom The Hague, with moderator Cihan Bugdaci (Director Gentlemen ART) we are looking for opportunities to pioneer on a business park. The municipality wants the Binckhorst to transform into a residential area. Which city pioneer would want to build his dream house here, between concrete plant and car showrooms?
Presentations with inspiring examples from art and architecture show a range of possibilities that the presenting experts and the audience will discuss..led by moderator Cihan Bugdaci.